
Airbnb: Users who talk about the brand are not the people following the brand

We looked at users that interacted with Airbnb on Twitter and discovered users who follow @airbnb are much different than users that tweet about the company.


Users who follow Airbnb on Twitter like to travel, they are the users or the service. Their favorite brands include TripAdvisor, Travel Channel, and Kayak while their favorite celebrities include Richard Branson, Obama, and Oprah.


Users who tweet about Airbnb are more technology and business focused, they’re talking about the company’s growth and challenges. Their favorite brands include major publications like WSJ, Forbes, and the New York Times and are interested in celebrities like Elon Musk, Marissa Mayer, and Dave McClure.

Thanksgiving Day Football

Thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete without watching football throughout the day. This year we tracked the conversation around the 3 games played on Thanksgiving.

Not only did the Seahawks win last night, their fans dominated on Twitter. Seattle was the #1 city in the conversation, Richard Sherman was the #2 favorite celebrity, and the Seahawks were the 4th favorite brand.

@Patriots Reaches 1 Million Followers

The Patriots are the first NFL team to reach 1 million followers, we analyzed those followers to determine who they are and what they like.

Those 1 million followers have, on average, 277 followers of their own reaching a total of 58.8 million Twitter users (more than any other NFL team)

53% of their followers are men and 1/3 of their followers are between the ages of 25 and 34. A very sports centered audience as the top interest is Football, all local sports teams are in the top brands, and Rob Gronkowski is the top celebrity.

Who Are Today’s Marketing Automation Users?

Social Media campaigns usually focus on the volume of posts or the reach of the campaign as success metrics. There is more to social media users than just how far they can take your hashtag.

Demographic and lifestyle information about your social media users can help you build community, make more informed media buying decisions, and sell more advertising. Looking beyond the numbers helps businesses understand their consumers and makes business human again.

We partnered with RingLead to take a look into the marketing automation industry to discover who these consumers are outside of their profession.

The Twitter Trends of Today’s Marketing Automation User from RingLead

Wearable Tech is Becoming Wearable

Wearable Tech is Becoming Wearable

Wearable tech is not only the new craze, the new look on the runway at New York Fashion Week, it’s the industry expected to grow 350%. There are currently 118 wearable teach devices on the market right now

Fitness bands have been the consumer’s choice to start this trend. Google Glass has created lots of buzz around the industry and made its debut in sports and in travel companies.

Now the fashion industry is turning wearable to serve another purpose, self-protection. CuffLinc, is making jewelry that contains an alarm to alert friends and family you are in a dangerous situation. CuffLinc works with an app that you can choose which family and friends are in you “protection circle”, these are the people that get the alert when you set off the alarm on the jewelry that you are in a potentially dangerous situation.

Will this start a new trend of wearable tech that is focused on the “wearable” part of wearable tech?