
NFL Kickoff Weekend

Football is back! It might as well have been a holiday weekend the way fans were acting at the start of the 2015–2016 NFL season. After Sunday at 1pm teams, games, and players took over the trending topics on almost all social media platforms.

Cynopsis asked us to analyze the conversation to see who these fans were.


-82% of social users were men

-36% of social users were teenagers

-8% live in Texas


This audience’s #1 interest was football, of course, but they are 8.5x more likely to be interested in Physical Therapy and 4.7x more likely to be interested in Boxing. Eight out of the ten top brands are sports related. Their favorite tech conglomerate is Yahoo, which the NFL has partnered with for streaming rights to games. Favorite celebrities of this audience include many NBA stars due to the nature of the game; the NBA highlights key players and the NFL tends to highlight each team.

@Patriots Reaches 1 Million Followers

The Patriots are the first NFL team to reach 1 million followers, we analyzed those followers to determine who they are and what they like.

Those 1 million followers have, on average, 277 followers of their own reaching a total of 58.8 million Twitter users (more than any other NFL team)

53% of their followers are men and 1/3 of their followers are between the ages of 25 and 34. A very sports centered audience as the top interest is Football, all local sports teams are in the top brands, and Rob Gronkowski is the top celebrity.