
MarketingProfs is hosting “Marketing For What Comes Next” — We’re Tracking the Social Audience (#mpb2b)

MarketingProfs is hosting “Marketing For What Comes Next” in Boston this week and using the hashtag #mpb2b to track the event.

We analyzed the tweeters of #mpb2b, below is an overview of the demographics and lifestyles of these users.

-55% of tweeters were women, 45% were men

-40% were between 35–44 years old, 21% were between 45–54, and 21% were over 54

-20% earn over $100K

Favorites of the audience are listed below and include, email technology, Ann Handley, Hubspot, and Harpoon Brewery

Who Are Today’s Marketing Automation Users?

Social Media campaigns usually focus on the volume of posts or the reach of the campaign as success metrics. There is more to social media users than just how far they can take your hashtag.

Demographic and lifestyle information about your social media users can help you build community, make more informed media buying decisions, and sell more advertising. Looking beyond the numbers helps businesses understand their consumers and makes business human again.

We partnered with RingLead to take a look into the marketing automation industry to discover who these consumers are outside of their profession.

The Twitter Trends of Today’s Marketing Automation User from RingLead

Is Gaming the New Marketing?

Is Gaming the New Marketing?

Early this week, Dong Nguyen announced he was taking down the beloved “Flappy Bird” because it was addictive. Flappy Bird fans are still mourning.

Enter Fall Out Boy, the Heroes. The band has announced they will launch “Fall Out Bird” “once they get approval”. But they plan to launch the game on Google Play this week.

Fall Out Boy has produced a parody before, Fall Out Boy Trail, as a spoof of the ever-popular Oregon Trail.

Gaming has grown to be a diverse industry with smart devices including games, and gaming companies branching out to different products.

Fall Out Boy starts their “Save Rock and Roll” European Tour at the end of this month and their MONUMENTOR tour follows. Whether this increases ticket sales or album sales is doubtful but Fall Out Boy will be a name in the gaming industry.

This game was coded in 24 hours and pending approval is the only reason the game isn’t live. If approval processes for new games becomes easier and faster will creating games become a new marketing or real time marketing effort for brands to capitalize on?