Our Favorite Social Media Oscar Moments

Our Favorite Social Media Oscar Moments

Was it just us or were the Oscars the most social TV event we’ve seen?

Here are a few of our favorite Twitter moments:

1. Kristen Bell tweeted that she was carrying a burrito in her purse

Banana Republic seized this opportunity to promote their clutch and work it into their #truestyle campaign that day

2. Pharrell’s Hat is Back!

While Pharrell lost the hat for the red carpet, he brought it back for his performance. Pharrell had auctioned off the original fashion statement and early on Twitter, he thanked the buyer, Arby’s (who previously Tweeted about the hat) jumped right it stating they were happy to have their hat back. And Smokey the Bear got in on the social action too.


Who doesn’t love Ellen after last night. She ordered pizza for a select few stars which got all the brands talking

And she became the selfie queen, first taking a blurry selfie of her and the audience where she made a “hashtag blessed” joke and then taking what could possibly be the most famous star packed selfie there will ever be that broke twitter. Ellen broke Twitter. She also broke the record for most retweeted tweet to pass the Obama reelection tweet of over 2 million retweets (and still going!)

Is Gaming the New Marketing?

Is Gaming the New Marketing?

Early this week, Dong Nguyen announced he was taking down the beloved “Flappy Bird” because it was addictive. Flappy Bird fans are still mourning.

Enter Fall Out Boy, the Heroes. The band has announced they will launch “Fall Out Bird” “once they get approval”. But they plan to launch the game on Google Play this week.

Fall Out Boy has produced a parody before, Fall Out Boy Trail, as a spoof of the ever-popular Oregon Trail.

Gaming has grown to be a diverse industry with smart devices including games, and gaming companies branching out to different products.

Fall Out Boy starts their “Save Rock and Roll” European Tour at the end of this month and their MONUMENTOR tour follows. Whether this increases ticket sales or album sales is doubtful but Fall Out Boy will be a name in the gaming industry.

This game was coded in 24 hours and pending approval is the only reason the game isn’t live. If approval processes for new games becomes easier and faster will creating games become a new marketing or real time marketing effort for brands to capitalize on?

Super Bowl Ads: Is It Worth It?

Today, Forbes published an article that reveals the dollar value of a Super Bowl ad has decreased again this year. As the cost to air a 30 second commercial rises, the Super Bowl is the most profitable sporting event.

The average cost for a 30 second ad this year is $4 million, making advertisers question if producing a Super Bowl ad is worth the investment when the audience per ad dollar is dropping.

USA Today’s Admeter is going a step further to evaluate the commercials this year. They plan to breakdown the audience by demographics, to evaluate which commercial resonated with each audience segment.

The saying “It’s not about counting the people you reach, it’s about reaching the people that count” could not apply more to the marketing industry today. There are multiple channels to reach consumers, a company has to choose which are the most valuable.

Sources: Forbes: Super Bowl Audience Down 84% Per-Ad-Dollar Since 1967

USA Today: USA Today Expands Super Bowl Ad Meter