
StatSocial Updates: New Affinities, Age Segment, and Features

Apr 13, 2015 | Insights

We’ve made some updates to our data and platform to introduce new features and more data for our users.

New Affinities

We have refreshed our affinity database, which includes new baselines to ensure our data reflects the current state of Twitter activity. This refresh includes 800 new brands and categorizing TV shows by genre. New affinities will display in all new reports.

Teenage Age Segement

We are now including 13–18 year olds in our reports as “Under 18” in our Age Breakdown. This segment will appear in all new reports.

Default Baseline Setting

The default baseline will now be set to US, World, Canada, and UK baselines are still available through the drop down menu

Aggregate Follower Reports

You now have the ability to aggregate multiple follower reports through the platform. When creating a new follower report insert all handles you wish to aggregate separated by a comma. (“IBM, Microsoft” would run a report on the followers of IBM and Microsoft in the same report)

Age by Gender

The metric “Age by Gender” will no longer be provided in reports.

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