
Content Marketing

Jan 31, 2014 | Insights

Friday, January 31st, PluggedIn hosted a Content Marketing Roundtable with over 10 senior level and executives from top publishing and marketing companies.

The conversation started around Traditional Media and the transition to Content Marketing. Content Marketing provides publishers with sharable and “snackable” information. It allows consumers the ability to access the content on any device.

Content Marketing has always been around, the Macy’s Parade was brought up in discussion to demonstrate how Macy’s used content marketing to find a way to start the holiday season earlier, by hosting a parade. What has changed since the first Macy’s Parade is the medium that we use to connect with our consumers. Information has to be accessible from multiple devices and sharable.

The target audience drives marketing efforts, brands need to discover where their audience is outside of micro sites and utilize that platform to tell a better story than anyone else.


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