

Nov 16, 2015 | Insights

(ALSO NOTE: You can check out the first and third part of this three-part series of entries here and here, and you can check out all of our Personality Insights™ entries to date here)

As many of you may ask, after reading our last entry, Personality Insights™ — which analyzes the language used by an individual to extract personality traits, and in turn guide end users to highly personalized interactions — defines an extroverted, cheerful person as one prone to “Experience a range of positive feelings, including happiness, enthusiasm, optimism, and joy.” A definition close to how we all might characterize cheerfulness, of course.

StatSocial fleshes out this population, telling us quite a bit more about the vast many Americans we, along with Personality Insights™, have identified as “cheerful.”

Let’s start with the basics.

Who are the cheerful in the first place? First off, it’s small wonder that women outlive men, as they make-up comfortably over 70% of the cheerful audience.

So then, it follows with some logic that these winsome, peppy folks — when posting of “consumer packaged goods” — tweet of the products of the Estée Lauder Companies and Procter & Gamble to a degree approaching twice as often as the average Twitter user (which is not to suggest that men don’t also use and tweet of those manufacturer’s products, of course).

Also, not surprising to see Pepsi and its less-cheery chief competitor, Coke, rank so highly here. I think we’re all a little bit happier after a nice, cool sodee-pop.

By now, you probably get the idea. But let’s go deeper, shall we?

While even the grumpiest young people will, on average, outlive the most gleeful oldsters, it still must be mentioned that the legion of cheerful are populated significantly not just by young people, but by kids. Well over one-third of the cheerful audience is under 18.

College/post-grad aged teens and twenty-somethings make up about 16% of the audience. Then we see an even-split, percentage-wise, among the next two adulthood phases (combined accounting for about a quarter of the audience), with a dip in late-middle age, and a slightly greater dip as folks near retirement and move on into old age.

As it’s not our place to speculate, wax existentialist, or politicize things, let’s simply call this decline the “get off my lawn” phenomenon.

If we look at the overall Top 100 Brands among the Americans certified as cheerful, with the help of Personality Insights™, we see the top portion of the list dominated by youth oriented concerns. Indeed, the biggest “brand,” with the largest absolute number of cheerful social fans, is also one of the world’s biggest bands, One Direction. Quite consistent with the demographic data we’ve thus far been provided.

As the primary subject of literally thousands of rapturous tweets a day, and for years now, it is not surprising to see the boys of 1D rank highly, even as a brand. The cheerful on Twitter identify as fans of the British boyband to a degree two-and-three-quarters greater than the average user.

But those are raw numbers. One Direction has 25 million social fans, so to some degree it simply stands to reason that they’re going to have larger quantities of all sorts of personality types in that audience. Look what happens when we sort by our multiple metric; seeing which brand communities contain the largest number of cheerful members, percentage-wise.

Viewed through this lens, suddenly relative upstart boyband Emblem3 — no Twitter slouches themselves with over 1 million social fans — win the cheerfulness stakes. Their fans are nearly twice as likely to be cheerful than those of 1D, and and a whopping five times more likely than the average Twitter user.

And there’s even one other musical group, who falls outside of our top 100 brands, but who have over 100,000 social fans on Twitter, called The Gift of Ghosts. The propensity for cheerfulness among their fans exceeds the average Twitter user by nearly six times. Their Facebook page suggests that they broke up last August, but the levity of their following is evidently unsinkable even in the face of this demise.

Here are the 10 bands with the most cheerful social audiences, overall. Our research indicates that they’re not all pop bands, as you might assume — some actually play metal and heavier stuff — but our sleuthing also has revealed that we are old and have no idea who ANY of them are.

Still, good on them for presumably not negatively impacting the moods of their statistically significantly cheerful audiences.


RankingBandMultiple1The Gift of Ghosts5.482EMBLEM35.043Down To Friend4.894The Killing Lights4.775Kotak4.76NightShade4.417This Wild Life4.48Sleeping With Sirens4.279Memphis May Fire4.1610Pierce The Veil4.09

Okay, those are all fun numbers, and they are indeed actionable and valuable to certain brands and marketers. But two-thirds of the cheerful are not kids, and as we explore other brands, media, and products this fact starts to become more evident.

We know, for example, that when it comes to automotive manufacturers — producers of one of the ultimate grown-up products — the three brands with the largest number of joyous, perky social fans seem to be good ol’ American Chevrolet, followed by the German luxury brands, Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Gazed through the lens of multiples however, we can add that — perhaps unsurprisingly — certain more niche, luxury auto brands seem to be marketing to audiences comprised of more cheerful folks than the average audience by nearly one-and-half-times in some instances. Unsurprising for brands primarily catering to international super spies, and the sons of Greek shipping magnates; demographics well known for keeping their spirits up.

It’s worth noting, however, that the more modest and affordable Kia Motors and Nissan also find their audience cheerfulness comfortably exceeding the norm.

RankingCarMultiple1Jaguar1.42Peugeot1.393Renault1.394Rolls Royce1.395Kia Motors1.366Bentley Motors1.367Aston Martin1.328Lamborghini1.249Maserati1.2410Nissan1.23
Kia, it seems may already be aware of the audience to whom they’re marketing.


Or perhaps this marketing approach has attracted the jovial to their brand. We’ll leave it to the good people at Kia to hash out the chicken/egg of this matter. Our point is that whatever it is they’re doing, it’s working.

We’ll bow out here before this thing becomes a novel. Hang in there, though, as in our next entry we apply our insights into America’s cheerful to find out how they feel about the things that really matter in life, like specifically TV.

(And be sure to learn even more by reading our press release touting this exciting new partnership here)

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