
Accurate & Actionable Consumer Profiles

  • 85,000+ Attributes in Our Proprietary Taxonomy
  • Demographics (Age, Gender, Income)
  • Brand Affinities (Retail, Tech, Travel, CPG, Sports, and More)
  • Media Consumption (TV, Movies, Music, YouTube, Podcasts)
  • Influencers (Movies, TV, News, Sports, Authors, B2B, Fashion)
  • IBM Watson™ Personality Insights
  • Digital Personas

Build Targeted Audience Segments Based on Their Unique Attributes 

Leverage StatSocial’s patented Identity Graph to map 1.3 billion social accounts to 300 million verified identities

Earned Engagement 

Based on their interactions with earned media publications, Silhouette captures an audience’s preferred content types and distribution channels.  

Earned Media Sources

Influencer Audiences

Silhouette analyzes how audiences engage with influencers to better understand their interests, affinities, and most trusted thought leaders. 

Influencers & Thought Leaders


StatSocial, in partnership with IBM Watson™ Personality Insights, brings the power of cognitive computing and psychoanalysis to the marketing landscape.

Personality Types, Traits, Needs, and Values

Digital Personas

Silhouette delivers pre-built, instantly accessible audiences based  off of distinct demographic profiles, personality traits, and passions.

Pre-Built Digital Personas